Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Top Ten Most American People Ever Period

After long hours, a lot of research, ridiculous debates, sweat, and tears, the NR staff has critically critiqued all Americans ever recorded in textbooks (almost) and put together what we feel is the top ten list of most American people ever; thus...

The NR's Top Ten Most American People Ever:

10. Dwight Kurt Schrute
 9. Sarah Palin/Tina Fey
 8. Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie Simpson
 7. George Washington
 6. Charlton Heston
 5. Ronald Reagan
 4. Captain America
 3. Martin Luther King
 2. John Wayne
 1. George W. Bush

And to quote our #1:
"God bless America." 
And happy fourth.

 - The NR