I have never understood why Friday was such a big deal. My weekends are always filled with the other crap. But thanks to Rebecca Black, I don't have to argue too hard against Fridays. She made Friday about as cool as "that kid." Tuesday, on the other hand, is a solid day. I challenge you to look back on the Tuesdays in your life. Has anything overly dramatic or traumatic ever happened on a Tuesday? Odds are, no. Nothing really happens on Tuesdays.
To add to my argument, follow this logic:
After Tuesday, it's already Wednesday and you're over the hump.
Thursday is really Friday Eve.
And let's face it, we might as
well rename the weekend Fridsatsunday. It's all a blur anyway.
Monday? Agree. Blah.
Then it's Tuesday again. Solid.
On top of all that, our staff recently found that 98% of people report a 100% chance of probably having a great Tuesday. These shocking results inspired us at The Newsh to re-brand the third day of every American's week Tueshday. Like Obama once/multiple times said, "Yes we can."
So happy Tueshday everyone! May it be a solid one.
Ha! Tuesday Tueshday. Totally neutral. Love the blog.