But newshers and other followers of the Newsh Report, consider this:
In these circumstances we have failed to acknowledge the old adage, "Love is blind." The NR Research team recently took a extensive poll* on if people thought the old adage was true. Our results are that 100% of 63% of the people interviewed felt it was true. These results obviously show that it must be true. And with the proven assumption that love is blind, maybe the next time we see an ugly, tacky, stupid, dumb quote-filled, choking, groping, snogging, bling flaunting, train track posing, leg/arm wrestling (yes), or twelve pictures too many wedding announcements, we can smile and say, "They must really love each other."
Nevertheless, we hope to never be that in love.
Cheers Blind Lovers!
*This information may or may not be completely accurate. The Newsh Report takes zero responsibility for the inaccuracies of these results.
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