Monday, June 11, 2012

Thank You Lettitor: Honest Opinion

Dear Honest Opinion,

I can't say that I've always appreciated you, but I do oh-so-much now. Why? Because I realize that you only do it because you love me. Thank you for loving me. Too bad you couldn't have loved these kids sooner.
Honest Opinion:  Ok, kid. Put your thumb down. Your backpack is open. 

 Honest Opinion:  It's just that no one looks cool running with a backpack. 

Honest Opinion:  Whatthe?!! DAH! NO. NO. Not as your profile picture.


Honest Opinion:  Just because the fox tail matches your PT Cruiser doesn't make it okay. 
Honest Opinion:  Dude! You're marrying a Jedi?! 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Honest Opinion, that for keeping me from being that kid... right?

Let me know, 

Editor and Chief
The Newsh Report


  1. You are welcome. I do what I can. :) It's true, no one looks cool running with a backpack. :)

  2. I think I look cool running with a backpack. (Rach trying to be funny) Here's what you should do. get a bunch of people together and have them run with a backpack. Record it and vote on who looks the coolest. You're welcome
